Thursday, 2 August 2012

In Dublin with a Nexus 7

This week I went to Dublin to visit the local Google Developer Group, which was also the first chance I've had to get to use my Nexus 7. Before the N7 was released I'd been sceptical to the usefulness of a tablet and only went for this due to the low cost, so this was a good chance to see if it was worth the money.

The size of the N7 is perfect as it just fits into a jacket pocket, so there's no need to carry around a bag. Playing Broken Sword on the flight was a great experience, the extra two inches of screen size really makes a big difference in playing games like this.

I made regular stops in coffee shops to jump on wifi and check emails and social networks, which is much easier on the N7 than a phone. Chrome is more like the desktop version with tabs at the top, and pages usually don't require zooming. Gmail and Google+ are both also well optimized for the bigger screen, though most third party apps such as Facebook and Twitter still feel much like they do on a phone.

I already expressed my love for the Jelly Bean on my Galaxy Nexus in my last post, but here it's even better, with more space for icons and very snappy performance. Although I felt like I was using the Nexus 7 more than my phone, the battery held out significantly better, surviving a day with most of the charge left.

After trying out the Nexus 7 in Dublin I can't see myself ever leaving for a trip without it, & would choose it in many situations where I would've previously taken my Chromebook or laptop. The size is perfect and makes a much bigger difference from a sub-5" phone than I would have expected. Google have got everything right on their first official tablet and for less than £160 I can't imagine anyone regretting buying one, it's by far my favourite device of the year so far.

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