Since starting work with HTML5 several years ago and prototyping several games, I'm now starting work on my full game that I intend to release cross-platform. It'll be called Meteor Blast and is loosely based on my Flash game of the same name, but with a new input mechanism that will work with both touch and keyboard devices.
I'm using the CreateJS library from Adobe in addition to jQuery, which makes coding the game similar to Flash, especially where animation is concerned. The library lacks a class structure so I'm relying on prototypes for OOP, not an ideal solution for a larger project, but so far has been sufficient for this project.
The game's killer 'feature' is that is should work across all platforms - all modern desktop browsers, HTML5 OS's such as Windows 8, Tizen and Firefox OS, as well as Android and other mobile OS's through Phonegap. So far I've found Phonegap to be fairly headache-free, my only worry is how much performance will suffer - I had to make considerable optimizations (and some sacrifices) to get it running smoothly on my Nexus 4, so older devices may cause problems.
I'm fairly happy with how well the game is turning out though, it's feeling more like a 'proper' game than an experiment, and I hope people will enjoy playing it. I still have to add sound, preloading, menus and a difficulty curve so it'll be some time before release, I'll post back soon with updates.
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